Friday, December 17, 2010

My First Light Cycle

This was my entry for my companies current art challenge...the theme was Tron. Did it pretty quick

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Tree of Life

I'm a huge Terrence Malick fan, his movies are a master class in cinematography and this trailer proves that. Too bad he only makes one every seven years haha

Monday, December 6, 2010

Winnie The Pooh

First images from the new feature length film that comes out next summer. Glad to see its not CG

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Acting Reference #44

Here's a sweet clip from Hot Fuzz. I'll just let it speak for itself haha Just a great example of using interesting layout to help make a shot funnier. The end is so perfect. Oh and I found this over at the 11 Second Clubs Helpful Hints section...great resource.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Alexis Wanneroy Animation Reel

Great reel from Dreamworks animator Alexis Wanneroy

Tick Tock Tale

Sneak peak of Disney's new short. Click the image to check it out!

Photo of a big bunny rabbit!

The Name's Digger

Another great post from Brendan Body about his approach to a shot on Legend Of The Guardians. Click the image to check it out!

Photo of a big bunny rabbit!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Acting Reference #43

I'm a big Philip Seymour Hoffman fan and here's a nice little clip of him from Almost Famous. The little head nod at the end is really great, got a lot of character in it. You can check out the other acting reference I posted of Philip HERE, looking at the two clips really shows how much range he has.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Transformers Fun Process

calling this one's a process video. I uses a more layered approached for this animation

Friday, October 8, 2010

Transformers Fun Update #2

Another update...did a render test for this one & started to add sound

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bird Flight

great information on bird flight from animator Brendan Body. Click the image to check it out

Photo of a big bunny rabbit!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Transformers Fun

little animation I started...hopefully I'll have time to finish it

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Roger Rabbit 2 Test

1998 cg test made by Eric Guaglione

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Acting Reference #42

Here's a cool little clip from The Black Dahlia. I really like the secondary action going on, playing with the glove and the desk. Plus the her gesture at the end is perfect, very flirty and cute.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Newt Concept Art

Concept art from the canceled Disney/Pixar project Newt. Click the image to check em all out.

Photo of a big bunny rabbit!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

11 Sec Entry & Process

Here's my final entry...ended up getting 4th place. And a process video

Monday, August 30, 2010

Helpful Hints: Mute It!

Here's tip I often use to see how my animation is working. Turn off the sound. By muting the audio it really forces you to focus on the characters acting/emotions. It shouldn't just be the audio that tells us what the charactesr are saying/thinking it should also be their body langues, gestures, facial expressions, etc, etc. Here's a video I made that really showcases this. It goes through some clips from movies/tv, but without any audio. Notice how you still fully understand the emotions the characters are feeling & are still able to follow along with whats going on. If you're working on an animation, try muting it and see if you can still understand what the characters are thinking/feeling.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Acting Reference #41

Here's another great clip from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. I love the hand gestures Charlie is making. You can really see how his shoulders are involved in the movements. It's got a really nice loose feel to it. Television comedies are great reference for animation as you'll find characters are a little more over-the-top and tend to have bigger/more interesting gestures.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Scott Pilgrim 8bit Animation

Sweet animation from the Scott Pilgrim vs The World Game. Click the link below to check em all out

Friday, August 20, 2010

Contact Juggling

Awesome video, great for hand reference

Monday, August 16, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

Scott Pilgrim vs The Animation

Cool little 4 minute animation. P.S. I saw a special screening of the movie at Comic Con & its sweet!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August 11 sec WIP

Working on another 11 sec club anim. Here's the progress so far & a link to my thread in their forums.

Photo of a big bunny rabbit!


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Walt Disney's Tips On Animation

From the 1950s series of books on how to make animation. Click the image to check it out
Photo of a big bunny rabbit!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Acting Reference #40

Here's a great little clip from The Departed. This is a really nice example of thinking before speaking. Leo basically asks his question with his eyes & facial expressions before he even talks. Having this unspoken anticipation before speaking can really add a lot to a shot.
!Warning Profanity!

Monday, August 2, 2010

New Warner Bros Shorts

Warner Bros animation recently announced that it would be bringing 3 all-new animated shorts to the big screen starring Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner. They will be playing before 3 upcoming new releases (Cats & Dogs 2, Legend of the Guardians, & Yogi Bear)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Comic Con 2010

Disney's Tangled Directors Nathan Greno & Byron Howard 
Scott Pilgrim vs The World Director Edgar Wright. Got to go to a special premiere with him & the entire cast :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Plastic Animation Paper now FREE

You can now download the Pro version for free. Click the image to head over there
Photo of a big bunny rabbit!

Monday, July 19, 2010


Was amazing!!!! Go see it!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Acting Reference #39

Here's a nice scene from Solaris. I love the contrast between the two characters & there's a lot of cool gestures from Jeremy Davies (another great underrated actor)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dragonboy Short

Nice short from some Academy of Art students. Plus a Shot Breakdown

Dragonboy from Dragon Boy on Vimeo.

Dragonboy Shot Breakdown from Bernie Warman on Vimeo.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

Aaron Hartline Interview

nice interview with Pixar animator Aaron Hartline

Monday, June 28, 2010

Acting Reference #37

Here's a nice clip of Ed Harris in Gone Baby Gone (great movie!) I love the eye darts he makes throughout to help emphasis the point he's trying to make. He's able to convey so much with not that much movement at all. Sometimes less is more :)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Acting Reference #36

Here's a cool clip from No Country For Old Men I really love the little head gesture Tommy Lee Jones makes to look through his glasses, just has a lot of character.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

New ILM website

Industrial Light & Magic just updated their website. You can go through every movie they worked on, look at galleries, learn about new innovations...pretty sweet!
Click the image to check it out
Photo of a big bunny rabbit!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Force Unleashed 2

Super sweet trailer for Star Wars The Force Unleashed II
Photo of a big bunny rabbit!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Acting Reference #35

Here's another great clip from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. There's a lot of great gestures going on here & I especially love the reactions from Mac. He keeps them very subtle, which is good, because your focus is suppose to be on Charlie. Letting the audience know where they are suppose to be looking & not distracting them from that is very important.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Mummy Online

Today the game I've been working on was officially announced. It's a massively multiplayer action RPG based on The Mummy movies. So far it's been a lot of fun doing animation for this :) Here's the link to the official website.
Official Website
Click the image to read an article about the game. Can't wait for it to come out!!

Photo of a big bunny rabbit!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Acting Reference #34

Here's a great clip of Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump. I love how he is able to convey so much with just his much emotion. This is a great example of giving meaning & purpose to eye movements & blinks.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Brothers Blog

So my older brother, who is a Senior Concept Artist at Relic, just started an art blog. Go check it out, cause he's an amazing artist! And I'm not just saying that cause we're related ;)
Click the image to head over there
Photo of a big bunny rabbit!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Acting Reference #33 - Tribute to LOST

Yesterday was the series finale of Lost, so I decided to post some clips in honor of my favorite show ending. If you haven't experienced Lost, I definitely recommend it, has some of the best acting on television. There are so many great moments from this show, so I decided to show 2 clips this time haha & I'm sure they'll be more to come in the future. Enjoy!

P.S. Don't worry...there's no spoilers in these clips

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Toy Story Mania Update

So this is what I've been working on for the past couple of months. Working with Disney & Pixar on an update to the Toy Story Mania ride in DisneyWorld & DisneyLand for the release of Toy Story 3. I did animation on the original ride as well, which came out in 2008, so it was a lot of fun getting to work on this again. Click the image to check out an article about the ride.
Photo of a big bunny rabbit!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Acting Reference #32

I'm a really big Phillip Seymour Hoffman fan & here's a great clip of him in Capote. This is great reference for hand poses (the one holding the cigarette) and creating a loose, natural feel in hand movement.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

Inception Trailer

I'm posting this cause I'm super excited about this movie, Christopher Nolan + an all-star cast...gonna be sweet!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Acting Reference #31

Here's a great little clip of Mark Ruffalo in Zodiac. I love how the shot only focuses on his character, so we really get to see his different reactions to the children he's taking a statement from. There's also a lot of nice little head gestures going on here. I especially like the sublte moment of surprise he has once he hears that girl saw the mans face. He's really a great underrated actor.

Friday, May 7, 2010

11 Second Club Process

Here's a process video for my 11 sec club entry

Thursday, May 6, 2010

11 Second Club Entry

Here's my entry in last months 11 Second Club contest. Ended up getting 10th out of 177 entries. I may go back & fix some things, render it out.
Photo of a big bunny rabbit!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Acting Reference #30

After being thoroughly impressed with her performance in The Lovely Bones, I've been seeking out other movies with Saoirse Ronan. Here's a great clip of her in Death Defying Acts. It's just amazing how in this short clip she's able to go through multiple emotions. It's also has a nice example of an unrelated secondary action, her juggling.

"All we've got is what we can touch & see" She says this as though she's hoping & expecting her Mom will disagree with her, but she doesn't. After hearing this she has this wonderful moment of realization, that shes lost her innocence. You really feel that shes trying to hold her feelings back, keep from crying, but she can't. There's just so much going on, with so little being said. She's such a great little actress!!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Top 10 Movies of 2009

I love making lists & I love movies haha, so here's my top 10 of last year. I'm a little late making this but I like to try and see as many as I can before I make it.

1. The Lovely Bones

I really loved this movie! One of the most emotional ones I've seen. I was still thinking about it days after watching. Saoirse Ronan absolutely blew me away in this! You really can't take your eyes off of her. With this, Atonement, City of Ember & Death Defying Acts she's easily become one of my favorite actresses. Though there are some story issues, the amazing acting & beautiful visuals made this my favorite movie.

2. The Road

Gorgeous & powerful movie. Cinematography was amazing, really feels like this is what a post apocalyptic future would be like. Plus I love Viggo Mortensen in pretty much anything he's in.

3. Star Trek

Really everything a good blockbuster movie should be. Great characters, awesome action, intriguing story. Really awesome how well the whole cast did playing such well known characters. I'm so glad Star Trek is back.

4. District 9

I remember seeing the trailer for this and wasn't all that excited about it. But after seeing it I was really blown away. Nice to see people trying new things & not sticking to the typical "Hollywood" movie.

5. Inglorious Basterds

I'm a sucker for Quentin Tarantino and this is one of his best. Really different than what they were marketing, much more of a character drama, which I liked. Excellent supporting role from Christoph Waltz

6. Avatar

The story could have had a little more, but the visuals were amazing. Please don't wait 10 years for your next movie James Cameron

7. Moon

Was a really great year for Sci Fi and Moon sorta flew under the radar, wonderful movie though. I was sad Sam Rockwell didn't get more recognition for his performance(s).

8. Julia & Julia

This was just a really fun movie. Had me smiling all the way through & after. Great performances by all & will definitely make you hungry while watching.

9. Up

Another great from Pixar. I love how they continue to try new things & don't get stuck in making the same things.

10. Where The Wild Things Are

I love Spike Jonze and he did a great job with this movie. Surprisingly emotional.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Pre Order Art of Toy Story 3

Art book can be pre ordered at Amazon and Chronicle Books, click the image to head over there!
Photo of a big bunny rabbit!