Friday, March 12, 2010

New Anim

Here's a new animation I did, been working on it on & off for about a month now, decided to call it good enough and move on to something else
Click the image to check it out!
Photo of a big bunny rabbit!


  1. nice work Kyle, getting better all the time. Awesome to see the progression.

  2. Looks really good, as does all your stuff. I like the "melt" she does at the end when she says yes. My lone criticsm would be that the eyebrows seem to hit their limit on the first take so there is no where to go on the second take. But this is pretty minor considering that you give us other ques with her hands and body language. Nicely done.

  3. Just came across your blog ^_^

    Lovely animation, just a small crit on the acting; personally, I would have left the hands up on her mouth as she nods and just have them droop slightly to show them relaxing, which would get rid of the pose, pose, pose feel that seems to stand out to me at the moment. Something to consider and it's probably just a different perspective.


  4. Thanks for the comments & critiques guys!

  5. This is looking really nice. But on her most important face change.....her hands are covering her face. I think you could drop the hands sooner so we can see her change in all it's glory. Great stuff!

  6. Thanks for the critique Brandon, I wanted to try and show that change of emotion with only the eyes and keep the mouth covered, but if it will play better maybe I'll drop the hands slightly.

  7. I absolutely love the flick her eyes make while her hand is still over he mouth.

    I think you told the story with the eye movement.

  8. thanks Jared, you'll have to let me know if that's how a real lady reacts to a proposal
