Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dead Set: New Anim #1

Started this new little animation...blocking....we'll see if I finish it haha Seems like I start more than I ever finish


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. nice blocking. my thoughts are that you have too many different head/facial key poses that you're working in. I think you can simplify it by reducing the amount of poses you're working in.
    here's my gut reaction on what i would do (all just suggestions of course): the wide eyed first pose that you work in could be used all they way up until "..that's what'll kill you." and he could sort of think with his eyes glazing over during the pause (like you have them when they are wide eyed.) and then he can reconstitute himself when he starts talking again and you could go directly to the pose used on frame 181 for the last dialogue line.

    good start and i hope to see it finished.

  3. Thanks chaz....something more like this?
